const Point = require('Point');
const Line = require('Line');
* @test {Line}
describe('Line', () => {
* @test {Line#constructor}
it('can be created from two points and uses them as start and end points', () => {
const start = new Point(6, 8);
const end = new Point(12, 6);
expect(() => new Line(start, end)).not.toThrow(TypeError);
* @test {Line#constructor}
it('can be created from 4 numbers and uses them as start and end points', () => {
expect(() => new Line(6, 8, 12, 6)).not.toThrow();
expect(() => new Line({}, "spaghetti", "hello world", [])).toThrow(TypeError);
* @test {Line#constructor}
it('can only be created with either 2 or 4 arguments', () => {
const errorMsg = 'Please pass either two Point objects, or 4 integers to the constructor';
expect(() => new Line()).toThrow(errorMsg);
expect(() => new Line(12)).toThrow(errorMsg);
expect(() => new Line(12, 30, 92)).toThrow(errorMsg);
expect(() => new Line(12, 30, 92, 10, 99)).toThrow(errorMsg);
* @test {Line#constructor}
it('is the distance between two points', () => {
const start = new Point(6, 8);
const end = new Point(0, 0);
const line = new Line(start, end);