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assets and tools for the xr workshop series

A-Frame cheat sheet

standard entity

This makes a 1 meter red cube , positioned 4 meters in front of the camera at head height, rotated by 45 degrees

   geometry="primitive:box; width:1.0, height:1.0, depth:1.0;"
   position="0 1.5 -4"
   rotation="0 45 0"

Always use a-entity except for a-scene, a-camera, a-assets, a-asset-item, img, video.

standard components:

geometry="primitive:box; width:1.0; height:2.0; depth:3.0;"
geometry="primitive:sphere; radius:0.5;"
geometry="primitive:torus; radius:2; radiusTubular: 0.5;"
geometry="primitive:plane; height:10; width:10;" 

See more at

load images, videos, sounds, 3d models, etc. with assets

load resources in a-assets then reference with #someIdName. Use a-asset-item for models, img for images, audio for sounds, video for video files. YouTube does not allow A-Frame usage.

    <a-asset-item id="lake" src=""></a-asset-item>
    <img id="river" src="assets/image.jpg">
    <video id="ocean" src=""></video>
    <audio id="waves" src=""></audio>

position and rotation

position="x y z" in meters

rotation="x y z" in degrees

color material

change the color with material use color names or RGB as hex


load custom 3d objects

load objects from GLTF files in the a-assets section, then reference as


find more stuff

Full AFrame Docs at

Assets for this project at

find GLTF files on the web at, search for models that allow downloading. Also

Find 360 photos on the web by searching for ‘360 equirectangular creative commons’ Search: equirectangular | Flickr

Find sounds on the web at