summary | ||
public |
C Line Create a line object represnting a set of two points in 2D space. |
public |
C Point Represents a set of co-ordinates on a 2D plane |
public |
C Bitmap The Bitmap class is used for direct pixel manipulation(for example setting a pixel colour, transparency etc). |
public |
C Context Used for drawing rectangles, text, images and other objects onto the canvas element. |
public |
F decodeJPEGFromStream(data: Stream): Promise<Bitmap> Decode JPEG From Stream |
public |
F decodePNGFromStream(instream: Stream): Promise<Bitmap> Decode PNG From Stream |
public |
F encodeJPEGToStream(img: Bitmap, outstream: Stream, Number: Int): Promise<void> Encode JPEG To Stream |
public |
F encodePNGToStream(bitmap: Bitmap, outstream: Stream): Promise<void> Encode the PNG image to output stream |
public |
Create a new bitmap image |
public |
F measureText(ctx: Context, text: string): object Process Text Path |
public |
Process Text Path |
public |
F registerFont(binaryPath: string, family: string, weight: number, style: string, variant: string): font Register Font |
public |
Clamping is the process of limiting a position to an area |
public |
F colorStringToUint32(str: *): * |
public |
V NAMED_COLORS: {"white": number, "black": number, "red": number, "green": number, "blue": number, "transparent": *} Enumeration containing popular colors |